Sea Otters: the cutest keystone species

Sea otters are one of my absolute favorite animals for many reasons; they’re cute, interesting, and important! One of the most important roles of a sea otter is as a keystone species. A keystone species is one that plays a particularly important role in its environment. They are usually, but not always, predators. Without these species, their environment would be radically different or might not exist. As these animals are removed from their habitats, all the other organisms in the community can feel the effects. A prime example of a keystone species is the endangered sea otter.

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Clownfish: a disappearing act?

clownfish-nemo-wallpaper-3Imagine a world with no Nemo. It seems impossible, right? However, the clownfish, popularized by the movie Finding Nemo, could face difficulties in development and growth, if climate change continuous as expected. Scientists have recently found a connection between the ocean phenomenon known as ocean acidification and the clownfish’s brain to grow correctly in a larval, or very young, stage. As the acidity in the ocean increases, many organisms will face challenges, but could it be possible that the beloved fish could disappear from the ocean?

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